Sicilian Sweets & Ceramics: where bold colors converge

Sicilians certainly have a sweet tooth, and over the years the island has produced some of Italy's most famous sugary snacks. Guided by a talented Sicilian pastry artist get to know the most popular, cook the ones that make you dream and take la dolce vita to a new level with the unique details of “royal pastry” (frutte Martorane). 

Sicily is one of the world’s largest producers of almonds, the basis for many typical Sicilian dishes, especially desserts, from almond cake (torta alla mandorla) to almond nougat (torrone or torroncino), to almond biscotti, granita, and gelato.  

Since the Middle Ages, local artisans have created unique colorful maiolica. Free hand design, authentic, hand-crafted, vibrant colors encapsulating the vivacious spirit of the Sicilians themselves. 



The art of Maiolica pottery was brought to Sicily by Arabs who taught Sicilian how to create these wonderful objects, now real pieces of art.

Trinacria…. three-legged symbol of Sicily, a unique little nugget. Learn about the origins and some fascinating stories surrounding the birth of Sicily and its three-legged symbol.

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